Tuesday, December 13, 2005

No Proof of Insurance-New Law

Starting January 1, however, the free ride gets more difficult when county clerks offices across Kentucky begin interfacing online with insurance companies.

Here's the way the new process to enforce the law will work: 300 insurers across the Commonwealth have agreed to share information and notify the state as soon as an insurance policy expires or is canceled.

On the street, police will have instant access to the information from their patrol cars, so they can now write citations on the spot for driving without insurance, even if they're presented with what appears to be a valid insurance card.

Behind the scenes, state officials will work to check the information and send out warnings. Violators will be given 30 days to correct the problem or risk winding up in court.

State Representative Ron Crimm (R-Louisville) says this change represents progress towards getting uninsured drivers off the road. "This certainly is not going to keep the accident from happening, but if helps one more person get their insurance and keep it in force, then the program has done a good job."

Equipment bought for enforcement also added a techno-perk: you'll soon be able to avoid the wait at the department of motor vehicles and register your car online in Kentucky.

And those lines may grow by an estimated 12 percent if everyone driving without insurance is forced to obey the law.
Read the rest of the story at Wave 3

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