Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Mississippi Homeowners Insurance – How to Lower Your Rate and Save Money?

By Adams Bridges

Your home is your most valuable asset and the place where your family and your pets find safety and protection. You keep your expensive belongings such as artwork, jewelry and hi-tech appliances in your home too. Therefore leaving your home without homeowners insurance protection against natural and man-made disasters most likely put you through financial disaster. Buying homeowners insurance is a wise decision and you have a good chance to lower your insurance rate after reading this article.

Homeowners insurance companies could label your home as a high-risk investment if you own a swimming pool. And that is due to the likelihood of injuries may happen around and in the pool. Therefore your insurer will significantly increase your premium rate in case you planning to build in-ground swimming pool. So ask your agent whether you have enough swimming pool coverage or not before constructing the pool. On the other hand you have a great chance to lower your premium by asking for discounts after you take safety precaution such as pool safety fencing and automatic pool cover.

The majority of homeowners insurance providers calculate insurance rate on the basis of variety of elements such as home building material like wood frame or brick, the dwelling value and your claim history data stored in the C.L.U.E. the Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange is a huge database containing most of homeowners claims history. Avoid filing claims regarding limited damage in your property to keep your history report with no claims by doing the low-cost repairs from your budget and keep your homeowners insurance rate low.

The competitive Homeowners insurance market has a huge potential for the customers to shop around and get the lowest prices to save hundreds of dollars off premium payments. Therefore the homeowners insurance carriers offer their clients loyalty discount up to ten percent of homeowners insurance premium. If you were satisfied with your insurer and your home insured for years by the same insurance provider, you are eligible for loyalty discount. Call your agent to ask him or her for loyalty discount.

Your homeowners insurance is your safeguard, but don't pay more for your homeowners insurance premium than you should.

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