Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Back to school season drive safely and you can keep your premiums down and your record point free

It's that time of year again, the time when we put away our summer toys and get back into the grove. Along with getting back into the grove children and young adults all over are getting back into school. This means you will have competition on the road during your morning commute.
School bus stops change from year to year depending on where the children live. Consequently bus drivers have to learn new routes with stop variations, and the children have to get used to the new schedule as well. When the stop and go stutter traffic of the school bus reduces your morning commute to an exercise in fortitude, keep your composure.
In many states, the bus driver has the right to issue you a summons if you pass the bus inappropriately. Understand, they are not out to get you. However, nationally thousands of school busses are passed, or cut off every day. Thousands of students are injured every year due to bus accidents. Moreover, on average 20 children die a year when they are entering or departing school buses because of careless drivers. Many school districts are placing cameras on the buses to record the information of people driving illegally around the school buses. The cameras are attached to the STOP arm actuated when the red blinking lights are put on. The cameras can identify and record a car up to 100 yards away.
Depending on the state you live you can be fined several hundred dollars, and or have your license suspended, and or spend several months to years in jail. For example in NJ, you will receive 5 points on your driving record, minimum of $100 fine and up to 15 days in jail or community service. In Virginia it can be up to 11 years imprisonment.
How it affects auto insurance?
There are things you can do to make the back to school transition period a bit easier. Get up a little earlier and leave plenty of time. If you are not rushed you are less likely to try to pass the bus as it is coming to a stop. Watch for children on the streets approaching the bus stops, and always defer to the directions of the crossing guard. You take the time to review your auto insurance policy to make sure you aren't overpaying on your premiums. Take the time to drive safely and you can keep your premiums down and your record point free.

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