Monday, January 9, 2006

home security checklist

1. Turn the telphone and answering machine volume down when you go out so burglars cannot hear that no one is at home.
2. Do Not leave notes for family or friends outside your home
3. Do not leave tools or ladders lying arouknd your yard since impulse burlgars can use them to gain access to your home
4. Install sensor lights at all outside entrances
5. Remove any shrubs or trees next to your home that could hide a potential burglar from sight.
6. Install a monitored security system, and make sure all members of your household know how to use it.
7. Intall deadbolt locks on your outside doors and make sure all door hinges are on the inside.
8. Lock garage doors and sliding glass doors every night and whenever you are away from home.
9. Do not hide keys outside your home.
10. Videotape, photograph and keep a written register of all valuable and their serial number.

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